Problems?! As usual had started long time before the trip! The first is that the Cadiz Formula Worlds take place inalmost the same time as this in Bonaire ( Slalom ). As the only one from Polish team I have choosen only Bonaire. Mroczek is coming here, but straight from Cadiz ( he will have 30 hours to come here from Europe and he will go straight from the plane to races ).Hopefully he will be able to acllimatise fast.

The second problem ofcourse on the airport in Poland. I have hadall bags confirmed, as well as the price etc in KLM. Up till 30min before departure I wasn't sure if my stuff will fly with me. Finally they managed to put it into the plane, but the price was two times higher. What's good news, event organizers managed to organize free equipement transfer for all competitors traveling with KLM on their way back home.

At my stop in Amsterdam I met Morane Demont FRA59, Denni Jakobsen DEN64 who were coming for the same event, and Sarah Quita Offring who were on her way back home after winned PWA on Lanzarote. After 10h flight I was welcomed with 30 Celsius temperature ( 4AM ) and 150% dampness of air!Accomodation for most of competitors is in Coco Palm Garden, which in my opinion is the best option: the closest tothe spot ( Lac Bay/ Sorobon Beach ), free!, and pretty nice.

We have own house, bathroom, salon, diningroom, bedrooms.The distance to Lac Bay (7km) I go by bike. As soon as Mroczek come we will have a car.Since now I had two days with 7.6, two with 9.2 and one with 8.4. Some nice guys as: Connor Baxter USA333, Zane Schweitzer USA52, Morane Demont FRA59, Rich Jones GBR32, Danni Jakobsen DEN64, Enes Yilmazer TUR2 ( winner of the last year's Slalom Youth Worlds ) are here already.

The registration list is pretty short now, but Ann - organizer of EVERYTHING - says that there are still many competitiors not registered. Well, the windsurfing place is perfect... for freestylers!It is much too shallow. If you want to sail slalom you have to go 500m beach or 700m in the knee deep water. Hopefully event site is predicted to be nearby the normal -deep- water.

By the way, the temperature difference between air and water is barely perceptible.People here are very kind. Everybody wants to help you, even if you don't need it. Unfortunately prices are much higherthan those in Europe. For exaple: normal Margharitha with delivery is $18!

That's all for now. I wait for Mroczek POL48 who should come here tommorow and we will keep you posted with our results!
Aloha,Gutek POL75 ( Smartfins,
http://www.oddech.pl/ )